Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Moon Shines Down, Even On Copenhagen

The Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum physics is so named because the main centre where it was developed in the 1920's under the leadership of Neils Bohr was based in the city of Copenhagen.
The Copenhagen Interpretation of all things quantum states that's it is inappropriate to speculate on the existence and properties of any object until such time as the object in question (it's wave function) is actually observed and measured. Then, and only then, has the probability of such-and-such existing and what properties it possesses become certainty. That's termed the collapse of the wave function. The classic example is that an electron might be here, it might be there, it might be anywhere. The electron might be in a spin-up state, or maybe a spin-down state. Only a measurement or observation will resolve the issues. Ultimately, in the Copenhagen Interpretation, the observer (taken as evident to be human) is the be-all-and-end-all; the supreme umpire, judge, jury and executioner.
The counter classic example, proposed by physicist Erwin Schrodinger as a putdown to the Copenhagen Interpretation, illustrating the absurdity of it all, was Schrodinger's cat. The gist of this thought experiment (no animal was ever actually involved, so animal lovers can breathe easy) was that there would be some sort of quantum event (like a radioactive decay event) that had a 50-50 chance of happening in one hour. If the event happened, it would trigger off a chain of events that would cause the demise of a cat trapped inside an opaque sealed box. If the quantum event didn't happen, the cat would be alive inside the sealed box. The question is, after one hour, is the cat alive or dead? Without an observer, the Copenhagen Interpretation says that in lacking an observer, there exists a superposition of states. In one state is the cat is dead; in the other state the cat is alive. In other words, the cat is dead-alive until such time as an observer observes, and the 50-50 probability becomes 100% certainty.
There's an interesting variation on that cat thought experiment. Say the cat-in-the-box is in a room and I'm also in the room, and after one hour I peek in the box and determine the aliveness or deadness of the animal. But, say you are outside the room when I do that. As far as you are concerned, the cat's wave function hasn't collapsed and the cat is still dead-alive. So you have got to look too! But then what about a third party in another room in the house, then the neighbour next door, and hence other residents of the town, then state, hence country and then the entire world. Of course the cat would be in a limbo dead-alive state to extraterrestrials on another planet until they looked, and so on. In fact, taken to a logical extreme, nothing has reality until the entire Universe observes, which is again (IMHO), absurd seeing as how it could take billions of years for that cat observation to reach the farthest regions of the cosmos!
In the quantum world, there can be a superposition of state. Something can both be, and not be, at the same time (like wave-particle duality) - only measurement or observation can decide whether it's to be or not to be. Since the macro (like a cat) is composed of the micro (the realm of the quantum), then until observed, the cat can both be (dead) and not be (dead).
In a similar way, for those who argue that nothing is real unless that something is observed they'd argue for example that the Moon dissolves into quantum uncertainty, the Moon both is and is not, if nobody is actually looking at the Moon! As soon as someone looks at the Moon, it solidifies back into physical reality - it is. The absurdity (again IMHO) of that is that if the Moon faded away into quantum uncertainty that would play havoc with the tides and be noticed. Perhaps observing the tides is sufficient to give the Moon reality without actually observing the Moon! I'll return to that point shortly.
The Copenhagen Interpretation, translated, and taken to its logical conclusion is that if nobody is looking at the Moon, does it exist? Can the Moon be in a superposition of states - having existence and having non-existence simultaneously? That was a quasi-question poised by Albert Einstein when he - also in opposition to the Copenhagen Interpretation - pondered that he'd like to believe or think the Moon existed even if nobody was looking at it. [Presumably the memory of a prior observation doesn't count.] Well Professor Einstein, it does!
That the Moon doesn't exist if nobody is looking at it is nonsense from several points of view. Firstly, common sense: can anyone really doubt that something you're infinitely familiar with, let's say your partner (or the Moon) doesn't exist or doesn't have the properties you associate with him/her (or the Moon) just because you're not observing them/it?
It's reasonable that anything that's biological and alive observes itself. So, even if you're not observing your partner and therefore could deny your partner's existence, your partner is observing him/herself and therefore would argue very strenuously that s/he exists. That renders that point mute.
No one has defined exactly what constitutes an observer. Can it be anything that's alive like a plant or bacteria, or does it have to have a sophisticated nervous system (higher sensory capacity)? Maybe there has to be a complex brain within. Maybe an observer is only a bona-fide observer if it has intelligence, but what degree of intelligence? A one day old baby or someone who is brain damaged might look in the box and see Schrodinger's cat but has no capacity to understand what they are seeing. Does it have to be human? What about an artificial intelligence? So, what's an observer? Can it be less than human, but still an organic life form - say your dog - or what about a fish; or an insect; or a microbe? Can something inorganic be a bona fide observer? What about an inorganic things like a Geiger counter or thermometer? I'd argue that an electron can be as bona fide an observer as a human being.
For example, say a photon is emitted by the Sun, heading our way. Unfortunately, the Moon is in the way (solar eclipse) and so the photon is thwarted, it's pathway to Earth blocked. From the point of view of that photon, the Moon exists, even if nobody on Earth were observing the solar eclipse (rather unlikely, but possible for sake of argument).
The curveball in all of this is that there's more than one way to observe. The assumption is that by observing we're using one or more of our five senses - usually sight. I suggest that in fact, every particle/object in the observable universe is observing every other particle/object in the observable universe, 24/7. Translated, even when your partner (or the Moon) is out of sight (and hearing, etc.) you are still observing him/her (or it), even though you're not aware of it!
Why? How? Does the Moon exist if you're not observing the Moon, but you are observing the rising (or falling) tide? There's causality between the two. So, observing the tides is in effect observing the Moon, or at least one of its properties - gravity. And therein lays the solution to Einstein's quasi-question.
You have mass. The Moon has mass. Any two masses attract each other via the gravitational force. Therefore, you 'feel' the gravitational attraction of the Moon; the Moon 'feels' the gravitational attraction of you. Therefore, even as you read these words, you are 'observing' the Moon. You have observed the Moon 24/7 since the moment you were conceived.
The observer problem, the Copenhagen Interpretation, is a furphy since everything that has mass observes everything else that has mass, all the time - gravitationally.
This explains how the Universe got along and evolved very nicely, thank you very much, for all those eons before biological observers happened upon the scene. The Universe existed and had properties prior to the origin of any life, anywhere, since observers don't have to be living! However, there are those who believe and would argue that the entire Universe exists (has reality) only because there are observers to observe or measure it. Clearly the Universe was in a lifeless state and evolved in a lifeless state from Day One (the Big Bang event) through several billions of years at least. That is, there were no biological observers at all. The Universe had to exist in a pre-biological observers stage in order to evolve the complexity required to produce biological observers. An early Universe consisting of only hydrogen, helium and radiation doesn't hack it as far as being a suitable environment for biological observers. So, in terms of this chicken-or-the-egg question, the Universe-or-the-biological-observer question, the answer must clearly come down on the side of the Universe. The Universe can exist either with or without biological observers; biological observers exist only because there is a Universe.
So, the resolution to Schrodinger's cat is as follows (and no human observers are required). While the cat is alive, the cat observes itself. If the cat is dead, those bits that make up the cat's body are observers in noting that the organism is now dead because the interactions they participate in have altered. Further, interactions between the dead cat and all the particles that surround the dead animal can also be considered bona-fide observers.
Conclusion: The ultimate observer, that be-all-and-end-all; that ultimate umpire, judge, jury and executioner reside within that abstract phrase, 'Mother Nature' - that is anything and everything, anywhere and everywhere, at anytime and every time; at all times. I believe that observers and measurements have bugger-all to do with reality, existence and how things work on either a macro or micro scale. The proof of that pudding, if any were necessary, is that radioactive substances decay with a measured half-life. The entire science of radioactive dating depends on this. And radioactive elements decay whether or not observers are present - they have; they do; they will.

Fun With Physics: The Quantum Mess: Are Observers Necessary?

In an essay I did on Schrodinger's cat, where the cat's fate (to live or die) is determined by an unobserved random event with a 50/50 probability, I noted how, according to some, it takes an observer to determine the fate of the animal, and until there is such an observation, the cat is both 50% alive and 50% dead at the same time. This thought experiment was an analogy for something in the quantum world that some outcome can have equal but mutually exclusive possibilities (i.e. - an outcome where you can have both being and not being simultaneously), at least until a measurement/observation is made and things fall into place as either being or not being.
There's an interesting variation on that cat thought experiment. Say the cat-in-the-box is in a room and I'm also in the room, and after one hour I peek in the box and determine the aliveness or deadness of the animal. But, say you are outside the room when I do that. As far as you are concerned, the cat's wave function hasn't collapsed and the cat is still dead-alive. So you have got to look too! But then what about a third party in another room in the house, then the neighbour next door, and hence other residents of the town, then state, hence country and then the entire world. Of course the cat would be in a limbo dead-alive state to extraterrestrials on another planet until they looked, and so on. In fact, taken to a logical extreme, nothing has reality until the entire Universe observes, which is again (IMHO), absurd seeing as how it could take billions of years for that cat observation to reach the farthest regions of the cosmos!
In a similar way, there are those who argue that nothing is real unless that something is observed. For example, the Moon dissolves into quantum uncertainty, the Moon is and is not, if nobody is actually looking at the Moon! As soon as someone looks at the Moon, it solidifies back into physical reality. The absurdity (again IMHO) of that is that if the Moon faded away into quantum uncertainty that would play havoc with the tides and be noticed. Perhaps observing the tides is sufficient to give the Moon reality without actually observing the Moon!
Extrapolating, there are those who believe and would argue that the entire Universe exists (has reality) only because there are observers to observe or measure it. Clearly (unless you count God [if He/She/It exists at all] as an observer from Day One), the Universe was in a lifeless state and evolved in a lifeless state from Day One through several billions of years at least. That is, there were no observers at all. The Universe had to exist in a pre-observers stage in order to evolve the complexity required to produce observers. An early Universe consisting of only hydrogen, helium and radiation doesn't hack it as far as being a suitable environment for observers. So, in terms of this chicken-or-the-egg question, the Universe-or-the-observer question, the answer must clearly come down on the side of the Universe. The Universe can exist either with or without observers; observers exist only because there is a Universe.
Lastly, no one has defined exactly what constitutes an observer. What about an inorganic things like a Geiger counter or thermometer? Can it be anything that's alive like a plant or bacteria, or does it have to have a sophisticated nervous system (higher sensory capacity)? Maybe there has to be a complex brain within. Maybe an observer is only a bona-fide observer if it has intelligence, but what degree of intelligence? A one day old baby or someone who is brain damaged might look in the box and see Schrodinger's cat but has no capacity to understand what they are seeing. What about an artificial intelligence?
I conclude (or believe) that observers and measurements have bugger-all to do with reality, existence and how things work on either a macro or micro scale. The proof of that pudding, if any were necessary, is that radioactive substances decay with a measured half-life. The entire science of radioactive dating depends on this. And radioactive elements decay whether or not observers are present - they have; they do; they will.

Creationists and Their Views on Dinosaurs

The attempt of creationists to rebut scientific arguments of how the world was created is most unconvincing. Both sides have compelling arguments. It is difficult to totally refute the creationist view point but equally difficult for the scientists to appreciate the other side of the argument.
Some of the main arguments fundamentalists use and the contrasting views from the scientists are mentioned below:
Creationists believe that dinosaurs are only thousands of years and not millions of years old.
Pro: According to the book of Genesis, the world is only several thousand years old. Creationists believe that dinosaurs were one of a group of animals created by God along with all others.
Con: Scientists argue about techniques like radioactive dating and sediment analysis which prove beyond doubt that dinosaur fossils are at least 65 million to 230 million years old.
All dinosaurs could have fit into Noah's arch
Pro: According to Creationist, all creatures lived over the past few thousand years. Therefore, all of them had to be boarded on the Ark to evade the great flood.
Con: Noah's Ark was only about 75 feet long and 40 feet wide which could not possibly have accommodated all the animals in the world much less the dinosaurs.
Creationists believe they were wiped out by the flood
Pro: According to the creationists, dinosaurs along with all other animals not on the ark were washed away by the biblical flood a few thousands of years ago.
Cons: Most scientists today believe that a comet or meteorite impact 65 million years ago might have caused an upheaval on earth which resulted in the extinction of these species of animals.

The Little Book of Planet Earth by Rolf Meissner

Even though I am not a geologist, this little book appealed to me, because there is so much to learn about our earth. At the end of the preface, the author Rolf Meissner introduces the book with these words: "This book presents the current state of research on our planet's evolution and structure."
Starting with the evolution of scientific thought, Meissner provides vital information about the geological development of our planet together with its moon, from the time of its birth to the present. He says, "Looking back at 7 to 8 billion years of pre-solar and pre-terrestrial history, it was the very beginning--the solar nebula, created by a supernova--which provided the iron for the Earth's core. The iron in our blood and the calcium in our bones and teeth also go back to this giant explosion." This little paragraph alone is food for thought for any earthling.
Meissner agrees with Heraclitus's claim that everything moves. The book--in its entirety--addresses the role of seismology, earth's magnetic field, plate tectonics, the formation of mountain ranges and basins, earth's rotation, shape, gravity, tides, minerals, rocks, formation of the atmosphere, radioactive dating and the application of its techniques, carbon dating, the crust of the earth and its depth, petroleum exploration and exploitation techniques, coal and other resources, evolution of life, the last 600 million years, human evolution and climate, nuclear energy, and our limited resources.
Written in clear, concise language, the book consists of fifteen chapters with a preface and acknowledgements in the beginning and an epilogue, a further reading list, and an index at the end. Inside the book are numerous illustrations, charts, and photographs.
Meissner's instructional style is flawless, also. He first introduces a subject; then, after giving information about what has happened around that subject, he explains it in detail, making the information easy to understand by the lay people.
The Little Book of Planet Earth is 192 pages with ISBN-10: 0387952586 and ISBN-13: 978-0387952581.
The author Rolf Meissner is a meteorologist and a professor of geophysics. After teaching in the University of Mainz in Germany and the University of Hawaii, he worked as a researcher at the Institute of Geophysics of Kiel University in Germany where his research centered on the structure and the evolution of the earth's crust, natural resources, and the composition and structure of planets. He retired in 1996.
A few of his books are:
The Continental Crust: A Geophysical Approach (International Geophysics Series)
Geschichte der Erde
Continental Lithosphere: Deep Seismic Reflections (Geodynamics Series) 
In spite of being a layperson, I have enjoyed this book thoroughly. The chapter on biological evolution mesmerized me, while the other chapters did not stay far behind. I recommend this book to anyone who has a bit of curiosity about the earth, and I feel everyone needs to take an interest in the subject, because it may help the understanding of changes our planet has started to experience.

How Accurate Are Carbon-Dating Methods?

How accurate are carbon-dating methods? All methods of radioactive dating rely on three assumptions that may not necessarily be true:
1) Rate of Decay. It is assumed that the rate of decay has remained constant over time. This assumption is backed by numerous scientific studies and is relatively sound. However, conditions may have been different in the past and could have influenced the rate of decay or formation of radioactive elements.
Evolutionists assume that the rate of cosmic bombardment of the atmosphere has always remained constant and that the rate of decay has remained constant. Scientists place great faith in this dating method, and yet more than 50% of radiocarbon dates from geological and archaeological samples of northeastern North America have been deemed unacceptable after investigation.
While there is no proof that the rates were different in the past than they are today, there is also no proof that they were the same. Thus radioactive dating relies purely on assumptions. We could put forward the following counter arguments to the constancy of these assumptions:
a) The constancy of cosmic ray bombardment might be questioned. The current high rate of entry might be a consequence of a disturbed post-Flood environment that altered the carbon-14 to carbon-12 ratio. Pre-Flood dates would thus have to be discarded.
b) An increase in the magnetic field of the earth would have shielded the earth from cosmic rays. Some scientists argue that the magnetic field of the earth has declined over time.
c) Atmospheric carbon forms just 0.0005% of the current carbon reservoir-99.66% of the earth's carbon exists in limestone, 0.31% in oil and gas, and 0.02% in coal. carbon-14 comes from nitrogen and is independent of the carbon-12 reservoir. If even a small percentage of the limestone deposits were still in the form of living marine organisms at the time of the Flood, then the small amount of carbon-14 would have mixed with a much larger carbon-12 reservoir, thus resulting in a drastically reduced ratio. Specimens would then look much older than they actually are.
d) Even if the rate of decay is constant, without knowledge of the exact ratio of carbon-12 to carbon-14 in the initial sample, the dating technique is subject to question.
2) Clock Reset. It's assumed that the clock was set to zero when the study material was formed. This requires that only the parent isotope be initially present or that the amount of daughter isotope present at the beginning is known so that it can be subtracted.
Many examples from literature show that the zero-reset assumption is not always valid. Volcanic ejecta of Mount Rangitoto (Auckland, New Zealand) was found to have a potassium-40 age of 485,000 years, yet trees buried within the volcanic material were dated with the carbon-14 method to be less than 300 years old.
A further example from a lava flow off the coast of Hawaii shows similar discrepancies. If dated with the carbon-14 method, the flow appears to be less than 17,000 years old, but dating with the potassium argon method gives dates of 160,000 to 43 million years. A rock sample from Nigeria was dated at 95 million years by the potassium-argon method, 750 million years by the uranium-helium method, and less than 30 million years by the fission-track method.
If the clock is not set to zero when a deposit forms, then there can be no starting point from which to calculate the age of a deposit.
3) Closed System. It is assumed that we are dealing with a closed system-no loss of either parent or daughter elements has occurred since the study material formed.
No scientist can guarantee that any sample can be considered a closed system unless it was isolated from its environment when it was formed. Elements can be transported into a sample or leach out of a sample.
Scientists will reject theories about the age of the earth that do not conform to the norm. They will argue that the clock was not reset if the age is too old, or that isotopes were selectively removed if the age turns out to be too young. In the study on the Hawaii lava flow cited above, it was argued that entrapment of excessive amounts of argon gas had made the samples appear older than they were.
Radiometric dating techniques are thus based on sound scientific principles, but rely on so many basic assumptions that Bible believers need not have their faith shattered by data derived from these techniques.
J. Ogden III, "Annals of the New York Academy of Science," 288 (1977): 167-173.
A. McDougall Polach and J.J. Stipp, "Excess Radiogenic Argon in Young Subaerial Basalts From Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand," Geochemica et Cosmochemica Acta 33 (1969): 1485-1520.
E. Fisher, "Excess Rare Gases in a Subaerial Basalt from Nigeria," Nature 232 (1971): 60-61.

Radiometric Dating: A Sure Shot Method Of Knowing The Age Of Objects

Radiometric dating is a procedure used to identify the age of any radioactive material. Radioactive materials include trees, rocks, bones and also architectural monuments. Radiometric dating can even help us find out the age of something that is very, very old. For example, the age of earth was found out with help of radiometric dating. The earth is around 5.5 billion years old. Radiometric dating is also called as "radioactive dating". The common layman knows it by the name of "carbon dating".
For radiometric dating a device called a mass spectrometer is used. The mass spectrometer determines the isotopic or atomic samples. A mass spectrometer consists of an ion generator, analyzer and a few detectors. The sample of the object to be determined is ionized using the ion generator and a magnetic field is set up. With the help of a computer, one can find out the true details of the chronological age of the object. There are many new methods being followed but this is considered to be the traditional and reasonable method. Each object has a designated "half life" where half of the atoms of the object are destroyed. This helps the archaeologists to judge the object very easily.
Carbon dating has been followed since many years and though it may hold no value to a common man; it is very significant in the field of nature. Ages of trees, extinct animals and famous archaeological pieces can be easily found out using the process of radioactive dating. The best part of this is natural calamities like floods, volcanoes and earthquakes, do not affect the process of determining the age of any old rocks or mountains.
The isotopes of the elements do not change and hence it does not affect the outcome of the experiment. A good thing about radiometric dating of things is it can be done without causing any damage to the articles. However, accuracy is not a surety because it is almost impossible to know if the isotopes are still present in the object or not. Thus, carbon dating is a very useful process for ascertaining the age of old objects.

Mass Spectrometer and Its Uses

The mass spectrometer is an instrument that can measure the masses and relative concentrations of atoms and molecules and Mass Spectrometry is an analytical technique that identifies the chemical composition of a compound or sample based on the mass-to-charge ratio of charged particles. The design of a mass spectrometer has three essential modules, an ion source-which transforms the molecules in a sample into ionized fragments, a mass analyzer-which sorts the ions by their masses by applying electric, and magnetic fields and a detector-which measures the value of some indicator quantity and thus provides data for calculating the abundances each ion fragment present.
The mass spectrometer technique has both qualitative and quantitative uses, such as-
1. Identification of unknown compounds
2. Determining the isotopic composition of elements in a compound
3. Determining the structure of a compound by observing its fragmentation
4. Quantifying the amount of a compound in a sample using carefully designed methods
5. Studying the fundamentals of gas phase in ion chemistry
6. Determining other physical, chemical or biological properties or compounds.
Mass spectrometers are sensitive detectors of isotopes based on their masses. They are used in carbon dating and other radioactive dating processes. The combination of a mass spectrometer and a gas chromatograph makes a powerful tool for the detection of trace quantities of contaminants or toxins. A number of satellites and spacecraft have mass spectrometers for the identification of the small numbers of particles intercepted in space.
Mass spectrometers are also widely used in space missions to measure the composition of plasmas. Foe example, the cassini spacecraft carries the Cassini Plasma spectrometer (CAPS), which measures the mass of ions in Saturn's magnetosphere.
Mass spectrometry is an important method for the characterization of proteins. Pharmacokinetics is often studied using mass spectrometry because of the complex nature of the matrix (often blood or urine).
Mass spectrometers are used for the analysis of residual gases in high vacuum systems.
An atom probe is an instrument that combines time-of-flight mass spectrometry and field ion microscopy to map the location of individual atoms.