Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Creationists and Their Views on Dinosaurs

The attempt of creationists to rebut scientific arguments of how the world was created is most unconvincing. Both sides have compelling arguments. It is difficult to totally refute the creationist view point but equally difficult for the scientists to appreciate the other side of the argument.
Some of the main arguments fundamentalists use and the contrasting views from the scientists are mentioned below:
Creationists believe that dinosaurs are only thousands of years and not millions of years old.
Pro: According to the book of Genesis, the world is only several thousand years old. Creationists believe that dinosaurs were one of a group of animals created by God along with all others.
Con: Scientists argue about techniques like radioactive dating and sediment analysis which prove beyond doubt that dinosaur fossils are at least 65 million to 230 million years old.
All dinosaurs could have fit into Noah's arch
Pro: According to Creationist, all creatures lived over the past few thousand years. Therefore, all of them had to be boarded on the Ark to evade the great flood.
Con: Noah's Ark was only about 75 feet long and 40 feet wide which could not possibly have accommodated all the animals in the world much less the dinosaurs.
Creationists believe they were wiped out by the flood
Pro: According to the creationists, dinosaurs along with all other animals not on the ark were washed away by the biblical flood a few thousands of years ago.
Cons: Most scientists today believe that a comet or meteorite impact 65 million years ago might have caused an upheaval on earth which resulted in the extinction of these species of animals.

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